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THE BAYONNE TIMES SATURDAY JULY 13 1935 dEVEN At 1 With I ummet Eta could imH tte good nani porrrtj Zh arirt KatkariaaT friMfa awfaRy 1 talk prtrairtyt lot wh Glbbe Larfcta wh" ber ti la Kattariea WMte Services at the Local Churches ati It tufrT Ttat fat la zr wroag Katharia MtiM tar tr la n4 a tb tatro RmiIm ead KaSfc Ja a a to a a vkhtrnw ST fatorrt rt 1ft ttbSta Bey ywrterday Mia fiervbaevv gewvwd tryhtarrt Vtnata nW aW nytifl BtCESSEA rw CHRISTIAN BCSEAICK rtfuvnrtwL MWUUC Zmr fjtfsJW JKv IM tor toad la Ifa wr far gSTTKHT aa ate tottfafl ber nritee ta tmM la Ma 't tri hitu or acre th the tow her flagwra trnIHag the water her amall tare lighted hr Kcttaria ridaa dally wHh Ml Wutharea yewafi waetonaer who vena a ridle atah Sally i4 pwifa Wml rt? Jtew ci efaa le Jett doctor' toad are yea fcoatetJy tor Me faweteS vfrf 'TWt ho a BMtin'lBrt to wero then tor Hi aeyoay CM daeeaft a totuU amsy RMvte Why Point Methodist Rites Announced wtdflog neg call gwn tMle thraoeuarter Maith of rich brace de The head 1 eanm ivrorr imu A rm eaeac MwanC tow atoto nriftnW rUr A lermon wlU be delivered hy the Rev Colman of Newark at the New Zion BapUat Church tumor roe The Colman brothers alto I will be heard under ample of Biiir Bee Club Mr Katie Bpeacer la praaideat of the group The fter Nalnor ia pea tor of the church Corona Pastor To PreacK Here BEGIN HERE TODAY Kltkirie Strykhurst beautiful dtacontanted wtth the use Imi rwnd of eaeial activities that make up her life Her father andriotocratie otepaieetbor Rrtin rafwo ta let Katharlae undertake The itor Croctar of Cow ua anted (oepel elngar end preacher 111 preach at th 1 1 a and worihlp al lhe Amalia Maptlat Cbttreh toutorrow Tha IVmo of hhare flub will have apeclai aarrldea at 1 with the Aar Moae of Klliabetb ac the apeebar A "prayfni hum Jaraey City alto wilt be oraa opt Mr Ma Owom praMpl th Hom of ll4frt The Her Will lent Rladfcwatl aellod paator of the AmlK ChttnrS NOW CO ON WITH THE STORY CHAPTER TUI Ii cihbe arm katf Maahtac hatf oytac eeetteg TH walk Sack with ye he eaM guMfy to ilUecd they tnr tntd tbo crprH yeth rwuM Gibbe cabta endwer was trig as a ehee kitchee gfeaetfa*g with Bulat aad polishes busses No eee kwew raetly hew he meaegedl thia particeJar huury He was al ways nmplatatag asdfbly s4 as Preyer PMCWf ps toeWMstor rrmryrmt wrRxrrry ititontVr a RwrfK atkw Jhfctop aee iW A Wr The classic lined evening pawn flcft) of weeding ring i tea gown (right) with short train and the Mine kind of pleats has short sleeves Isced Tte Rar WWHasc Kame WUr IriMy EaHl CtaOT Me oateWMsd TM of ttttuttuHf tt bis eerwMie Iteeto tor aerrttesf 11 a tomorrow Mefy CoMMMtoa wl be ecto mA ft a sm A to Mnuetttog far yen wcane i EssMttarlc itea tnurwwC ta ma aadl WMmr Kite Cbfa tor ttauEta mtl awt at napsa The classic lined evening gown (left) of weeding ring eatln In a lovely shade of old gold coded girdle and jowoled ornament' It fa accordion pleated from neckline to hem The tea aawn frioht) with short train and the asms kind of oleate hae short sleeves Isced top in duety roe with wino light Th girdle is worn like a harness serous shoulder and chest Jr tA'A sT uptmejiam Wl GRACE At hu been hit custom tor mtuy years lhe Iler lif lieorge liodk er pastor of ilia irst JlaffllWld Cliurrb will prearli sereral naiuro sermon faring iha summer la COTiaJdeysiton nt sorer floods this weak la New Yotk Stalo Dr Red Ip ar will hare as bls funder morn Ing subject lood wtod fad llorm' i Ml Mr nt hr Whllnoy will sine a soprano sold "Thanks to God' by Wriison st the eerrlrs which will conimenc al Pl omf eeuw aarKO SB flWTtCOtYAt wM axtenujf pewe to i wrribn Close Until all A communion errlce at the TW Reformed Cbub tomorrow iui be the last to bn held there until September The Rev Ylib lUln Horvath pastor will gtoe the communion mewage and there will he reception of members The ervk will begln st 10:10 odock in the Sunday school the leaeon will be Happy amily" based on the first chapter of the book of Ruth School is held at O'clock The consistory will hold a brief meeting following the services to the morning Will Hear Newark Pastor Tomorrow By MARIAN YOUNG New York Glamorous rich feminine sllhoti romantic flower trlmmlngg these are aome of the distinguishing features of the new evening mode Thia ia a summer when a wardrobe should contain plenty of lady like costumes including least one gown that was in spired by fashions of the ancient Greeks You may feel a trifle theatrical In a allm flttlng satin gown that is accordion pleated from neckline to hem or in 'a chiffon creation with billowing sleeves and a train that flutters about your ankles but you might as well get used to the idea By fall according to advance tips from Hollywood and Paris be wearing heavily brocaded copies of the gowns that Marie Antoinette and her ladlcs in waltlng wore at court balls and receptions By next winter for evening at least the vogue for simple casual dresses will have gone the way of the flat chested boyish silhouette mode 4 When Replacing Pretent Gownt Seek MoreJPretentioue Onee You still can weafthc girlish nonchalant linen and cot ton evening gowns you bought earlier In the season of course But don't buy any more of them When it comes time to pick a gown to flnlsh out the season and to wear all fall shop around for something a little more pretentious find exquisite satins crepes and heavy sheers cut to flatter your figure and give you a great deal of dig nity If you get a Grecian gown better plan to wear a hlgh in the back coiffure and flat heeled sandals You'll Ilk th ofor too Uy tht Um vrtfTMt (a Sritlss a bit ry4t PaiUlA sod It rrrttinly I too darki uch you In sorou old mtiiotim toPr1 nr IMsol tlon to the rotor problem Old rtr dull gold AbTnA! glu In It ft ollv grn and whit that look yellowed with ng nr flti terlng whether or not you ar euntonned ortuny's Gowns Are Pleated rom Top to Bottom Ont epctol1y beautiful collection of ynlng owm Mariano ortuny to h) Vnl etudlo make ue of all thee aubtlbde He nd only two dwton to Amriro cordion pleated frdm top to bottom and ar mad amatf toft and pliable that an nUre dr can pll4 tbrongh a inall ring The fabric 1 dyed again and again until aa uauiual aba4 is ob Ul On of th ortuny derigna I lv1a with a 5 other ha abort lv Iacd acre th top with fltog Both te brocaded glrdtoa which can be worn around th walaUln or aero the abualder erwd to front ilk To with taoot romantic wrw gw bus your aboulder nd fall to the floor In grnrwfnJ fold fall wrap witii dolmaa aleve and aom borir model with hood that a worn up or down It a nice idea to set a wrap in irnartt to match tn girdle on th wedding ring aatto gown Th Her fa CAirift rite or CbarMtorT awrmon rnbMri tor woratet tomorrow al th BrsM cdat Mribodtol Eptofttel CTrnrrh TMro will a ntrritn to cbwvh I trittos Hri to entoa vr bring MH to to Hdow Ijwuil art Topic Revealed By Rev Champlin Tte Itor fitorow ChamrifA XUttr fM Idrrt MrfcHJ Eg ropwi Owrii 1N waag Tfctog to uto to fl aTatorit pate wmetog aS to lrrt Mtminn of iM Melto tut totos part fa (M ttertoro to MMkaw kow ri (1 EnEP TwaMro ew arn a nrvaun nt Ok IO a an I naroma rtez 4 a ashion Hints i 1 Wmtert Evening Gown Story willbeClassic ten raoncs ana nomanne Lines promise io Be Best Sellers Among Styles wtfatam thtafaM 1 POTWra JfQV 0M(ft rWWd JMvM mBtetimnn vl 1 Ke Exro wnrowrofl gtfrtf SSW tmfl mf ruMwr to enm Jjawriy thttram aattapg Irtaww Itotd wtaffajrwnr 4 idreethealfa By Mabel McEDiott 1935 NEA Semes Inc 1 'ii1 'm aia'X 1 1 pV A 1 'i' science Topic SacramentvicM HereTo Be fidd faff Trnrotnlfa 'T'Vtr" at IViaSODIC awuH' at 11 will ba th aubject fa all churchea tMt' "Whethr Tbnrl ve eat or drink or what do all to th glory Corinthian 10:81) mens th citation Which com the leon annon th fol from IM UlDIBa SJg md th profeolon of our faith mavfarinc: (lOr ne ifasiir And tot ul one another to provok lore and to good wrk" (He RMon lennon alio Include following ps jLrttln Science textbook Bcb aid Health with Key to th by Mary Baker Eddy: material theoretical life irii la found to miaappre tton of exietence the aplritual divine Principle pt man dawne thought nd Jtadithare the young child rn ln tb birth of a new oia men th Diritual en of be ng ana it rtt Uf Include" (p in) Ro we Will Preach On ire" Clement Del Clark' to Be? Morning Speaker at Baptist sl' 1 ji A Th Rr Jama Row Jr' pa tor of tiia Haptlal Church will have "The Undying ira" a bla aarmnn auhjt nt th aopla' Haptlal Church at I o'clock tomor row availing Th anlor choir wllj prant a miiafral program un dr th direction of Mr and Mr William Burnett nmnt I Clark will ba th pakr at th morning arvlr at tl o'clock Th pator will heard at tha ii meeting at 1 in ih evening with Edward Wka preldnt la eharga Event nt th wk will aa followbj Munday ru Girl Club Wadoetday prayrrvl with Mr How In charge followed by choir rheartal ri day Mn' Club Th aniralon gpmmlttaa will meet at 1tl Ttidayand Thuraday al th chufflt loods Will Be Becker Subject Point Churches Worship Together Tbo Vih Slrrol ttform4 ate ffargea Print Mpttol aeag' llowa will r4tinw tirif wto weraMp tor tte Samtmtr tomorrow at tiro form riiwrfa Tte trim Vaa fltririi Reformed pea tor win prto "vrgfria at that lia Tin umul Print npl rarorto 01 Haifa rid ttP wday to Abwy mn Kernan Theme xr Xt who hld ld fahload vtow womanly com ri Rtoa iMtter ril Mnutn ri duct thought tad tevito towderd lie mfa*gfad ptX out ctaMfariy to mrof wto tb fafat but ucmlriakabU wmmaa It mart ta riaMrotMor diaiafMuntJUt alwaya ria tb awltor wbwver tafabt be wowld prwrot Wmartfpaiy br fotteri tea Oh wefa teYteegbt that ef Me bte ewMat Irt Ze town Ttat mad ana certain grt vtfriy to ib nw ymwaetf? ld fl right A4 wt rtaMtoer'j did m'v tf Kny tMwgbt I fTa CMStoamd wa ab art ri girl met myrteriMM rtragro fertjrriy by tfgto Ste wM warrir tbfa ta'be tad Mwvlrad tbr dfaeppotot aataU Rte b4 lbwrit ri fata a war aiuwwy an wv nz Eras Topic (as 1 tA 1 '7 i NmmrwlmMkP ZzMiiW niMatw siiuimiw J1 i i zfwf ft i 7i mz jwffi lr Mw il I 11 if I li II llwi II ill I 1 ll viiW III II RlV iW't Mi bwfen KM Wl LX BjK patted He deadly wfah i ted erne ywa Win it bort yw Sw a mtaaur I earcat ap Zaa I UR with GAte Eta aaada She frit a mg e( dirtart far! win hi watt franticaMy tHa Cbb anta with tte nmeeth! an mw wMc mw art tarn ataaMra Why bad roaae? It roag Aad ta wlate ata wnaldat call ter "Kay" teat mhrt ia tte Inert bwt Zm we mamart tv lagr than' lb aafaatan" "Dwell wny farifa WM Ittrtw gtaaee wr ter atertdar 1 TC tn tsvettaa er tte team "tn Clbta darttag!" ta wnM "Ttea Bfl II vfaar trifUrit tntriKn yarn gifev aaewar I wailed aad (tear aad wad Gibb ro nrw a a roh dred to ite rtan fiwa wtacb caw meataa az iris 'at aurtL CaJasfir ctaSty a to aewrowr rit wk a Mv CMHaaMM at wmvdL Tte yeefWel aipra anar aatta VtariH rtAtafa fa UaW Btanar whelTt amrsMd tarotfif ta few Kiartfv KW ate Nr t'eoTO Ebgbrt Mrrtta" wtth wnrifac art lb vert nri Maw tb uar Beta ata a teams a i (Musi cvinwu aad tbvro That ta grow eta WM ta Ite tarr tl aad at tte Mt br ryw erro rories Rte Ma I Ky wa tatewtare ww yww dJfari vrt tt aS air rung ttat to1 wfis faattartM SHmr amta Tte twta rad ware tte TatRt'CMh A Mrtlw tawl fa ff taw aW toafae to to tefitofaM nXTawSE SV Stay Tta teatir mmrt (H total i taw rotate maaroy aw tW Grta wa mrtta town to berth I tntaMe to Staab wtei im dryad ta Mgfa Tte daMtaf aB 1 A aasw wr tar arnwy wwt wxw Mft talk kmT Bri oilTf te ml ta fcfalA a Bta Mr tar WBr uwSe mr wr not tataef 1 Oh I wwMaT 4am Xa ta NBttert Bearo tte bta MIS 2T mjawSXA drti 1 1 wfta ker ttw ea CbtltataO ww4 tawkeC ISBHSEESS! t9wS3T I kb dfm btatamw Jp mfaa mStaaM ratafato Itafl 7 1T fW jfrMLrrrilfa' ttatrMMf If! SJW Bieui'l VTUtaT wmta a mr WW a i a a a 111 rr A fa 1 tSJOU WRBfa RW NRR" IM u'mi na i 11 a 4t jb ata MH" IlBMMVTJVj MMBfaW WWWR SV fVri Utoa mr da Ldfi a a ta mvmmro mm asittg am vroam irvw ww mwitamr iJ uj tan taawta weak ncM aa rM ju jimw I lrtt 'SaAml Mr fiewnh wwaw rw to 'Rtatmw row auro i rm rtrt rwj SflR ft tei rte rw til arita wvinttm Sriwf ert fte tawu: oputKW rw taJWSW imv iwwrwa aimww vw wmw tavtaam i tatataHMmaata tatememtm toamvw teimimiaw 1 a jl frtt wu mmwiu fcgtar fata rib Stat throated "tert met fifata The Ty ripri to ta etetoe Metort bbrS tae fiatoBMrtr" Tri rt frtgwt stare" Wn teasSwtea tarn a taaam srneted rfbw wan fart aMWrtotatamerK jwrw ate riS7 wh mr ctaltoX wJeStal fam Mm Stot steyfl ctota mm to geetto tiro tawwe to yJ lagm taStorcfem toSftow XtotW rfarttewNRfiwv itefat*sstot tatodtatata dtow faMfawta tetettaa £rttaa art taxr sta fart mH rttafafar rtaamgr wwwrm wJZSrtTetw fiiRnwrt qu Te artM sa Jwtl mcMte tar rtmaw imwmu wwotw mw whiw ma sm wmsn wm rtero rotero kw aa mtorndk She Iwmwwk aa taro Rte aivwint Th Idne amafirta Kb edtam aaato Mr mm Site taw to tnn'' rr ert 'rip tateficta rt UMrt SV ww eerrom wfaiMEro faetato' faww vwd '1 wanmn i to" Ste'taMy to had aaaa ttMto eftp ewr tttoMt atfriro tof Jv 1 teta faatoe MUM VK to Wta HL fa KKfaBirtwfaMtoV mipi iri ww rw a rt eat JMfltekM wNtoamte far tea dtatamta cotoea owwy ms ee mart aa nma mm trttauu MAtrfamrowfadte Ertrt gstafaetf htg Jfatn groto agmri to Ml ertrtt far Se tone Thea rttota ft me Tr war' eeAfa 'XTL fl MM atetoM MMrira 11 riHMrt aS a aaa KiN MOW nt ntntft at a Irftrio Surd rotofrtrtf tatawaate BSfateW fatoT fad? Wl'toM Stvmf SOttrtPifiri twri tv faS Kwa tor StotaM 0 toAmato A Wiffatr iZ II txA l' lk 5s A fe' 7VWm Jl UM JtaMMMMW aweaw weteaefar jTO tadXerbtaetai 1 7 Mteaad ch taes ta artfaM fe tart tatoto ataV XM ha tad toaro 'to ton TnrtEecr'Mtar4 csS MSgtatfa TTttn assmumite vVitok asrt a't JhIIIw mkHSK SSJsB JK hjRV Wi 8 JI i' W1 imL i sSK xJbhf vK I Ifeff jRajy JKr Bt 'Sr Sr.
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- Years Available:
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