THE BAYONNE TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1951, FIVE Club Reunion Held At Foerst Home Mrs. Bagnell, Recent Arrival from Alaska, Among Those Present Members of the 3-E Auxiliary, including one recent arrival from Alaska, held 'horeuniony Sunday evening at the Raymond Foerst, 202 Broadway. Their first meeting took place in 1933 at Bayonne Evening High School and the most recent gathering of the group was held in 1944. Only three members of the original club, current residents of British Columbia, Arizona and Mississippi, were absent from Sunday's meeting. Among present was Mrs.
James F. Bagnell of Williston Park, L. who recently returned with 6 her husband, Capt. James F. Bagnall, from a three years' stay in Anchorage, Alaska.
Other former residents to attend were Mrs. John Hoffmann of Meriden, Mrs. Arthur Poole of Belleville, Mrs. Raymond Sullivan of Rumson, Mrs. Joseph McCoy of Maplewood.
Mrs. Herman Behrens of Staten Island and Mrs. Arthur Deacon and Mrs. Robert Priel of Jersey City. Bayonne included Mrs.
James McNally, Mrs. Leo Orsini, guests, Mrs. J. Mulligan, Mrs. George Mahoney, Mrs.
Frederick Marsh, Mrs. Joseph McAleer and the Misses Josephine Cousins, Vera Nugent, Margaret Blyler and Ann Dolan. Mrs. Behrens and Miss Dolan assisted Mrs. Foerst as co-hostesses.
Baby Care By IRIS LANE (Q) baby is almost two years old and likes the meats he has been getting. I would like to vary his diet even more by including veal, pork and ham when we have those meats at the family dinner table, but I have been told that those meats are not suitable for children. Is this true, if so, when can they be given?" (A) -In the past. pork veal and ham were generally withheld from the diet until the end of the second year. Today, however, doctors are including more foods in the diet of children at earlier ages.
Beef. lamb, liver and poultry are still being introduced before other meats and the others are added gradually after those meats are thoroughly accepted. A lean cut of roast veal may safely be offered in small quantities to the child just past his first birthday. Your child, almost two years old, should be able to enjoy It when it is on the menu for the rest of the family. Veal is a good source of protein, iron and the vitamins but it is lacking in fat and high in connective tissue and therefore most cuts require long, slow cooking in moist heat to make them tender.
A lean portion of roast pork can also be offered to your child occasionally if it is thoroughly cooked and of indisputably high quality. Pork is an excellent source of vitamins, but when incompletely cooked may carry the dangerous disease, trichinosis. Fresh ham, broiled or boiled. is sometimes added cautiously at the age of two years. However, some physicians prefer to withhold it until the third birthday.
Best sult your own doctor before trying it. Continue to avoid, at least for another year, such highly seasoned meats as sausage, frankfurter and smoked corned meats, as well as fatty foods like duck and fried cuts of any meat. Whenever you add a new meat to your child's menu. offer it in minute quantities and observe the reaction of the child's digestive system before adding any other new food or serving that particular food again. Jerome Rudolph, 36 West 34th Street, was initiated last week into Alpha Sigma Upsilon fraternity at Upsala College, East Orange.
A graduate of Daniel' P. Sweeney High School, he is majoring in philosophy at the college. CAFE SAVOY Announces RESTAURANT Now Under Supervision of SIMONE Formerly of the GREAT NORTHERN HOTEL Restaurant Open Dally at Catering to Banquets and Parties MRS. CHESTER KUCZYNSKI -Prazer Audrey Novak Wed To C. L.
Kuczynski Elinor Novak Attends Bride at Ceremonies In St. Joseph's Church Miss Audrey Novak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Novak, East 27th Street, was married to Chester L.
Kuczynski, son of Mrs. Stella Kuczynski, 133 Avenue F. at ceremonies April 22 in St. Joseph's Church. Guests from Newark, Nutley, Union City and the Hi entertained Hat at Club a fol- relowing the exchange of wedding vows.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride was clad in French lace styled with a peplum effect over white satin. The high-necked, fitted bodice was set off by a single strand of pearls and she carried a bouquet of white orchids and lilacs. A lace bonnet trimmed with orange blossoms held the fingertip veil of bridal illusion and her costume was completed by a cathedral train. Miss Elinor Novak was maid of honor in chiffon of a maize shade styled with a ruffled neckline and a ruffled bouffant skirt. She matching picture hat and carried a bouquet of purple pansies.
Leo Kuczynski served as best man. The Rev. George Hresko offici-. fated at the afternoon ceremony and Mrs. Elizabeth Stonek was at the organ.
Miss Eileen Provino was soloist during the bridal music. Following the reception, the couple left on a motor trip to Florida. They plan to make their home at 43 East 33rd Street. Mrs. Kuczynski was educated at Daniel P.
Sweeney High School, Drake Secretarial School in Jersey City and the Secretarial Institute in New York City. She is employed as a secretary by the U. S. Alkali Export Association in New York City. Her husband, who attended General Pulaski Technical High School and Bayonne Junior College, is with the Standard Oil Company.
Sal Tucci Guest of Honor At Farewell Reception Sal Tucci, son of Mrs. Rose Tucci, 97 West 5th Street, who left Bayonne this week for Texas, where he will serve with the U.S. Air Force, was honored on Sunday, April 29, at a farewell party and open house reception. Several hundred people gathered at the Tucci home to honor the inductee. Included among the guests were members of the immediate family, the Rev.
Edward F. Wojtycha and representatives of St. Vincent's Drum and Bugle Corps of which Sal was a member, graduates of Holy Family Academy and students at St. Peter's Prep, Jersey City. Also present was the Rev.
Domenic J. Del Monte, pastor of Our Lady of the Assumption Church. Assigned to Lakland Air Forces Base. San for training, Sal was educated in Bayonne schools and was employed 1 in the construction business before his enlistment. CHOW MEIN LUNCH LISTED Plans for a chow mein luncheon to be served Thursday, May 17, from 11:30 a.m.
to 1:30 p.m. in the church of the 46th Street Methodist Church were announced Thursday by Mrs. Marjorie Taylor, president, at a meeting of the Loving Service Circle of the King's Daughters Mrs. Taylor will be chairman of the event and Mrs. Lottie Wilkins will be in charge 'of tickets.
41st Annual BALL Sponsored by the KING WARNENCZYK BENEFIT SOCIETY Group 38, S. S. P. at the Polish-American Home 27-31 WEST 22ND STREET TOMORROW NIGHT MUSIC BY AL BIENIEK and His Orchestra ADMISSION (including tax and wardrobe) $1.00 Benefit Sick Fund County Legion Unit Elects Mrs. Margaret Maak F.
A. Mackenzie Unit 165, American Legion Auxiliary has' scheduled its May business meeting for Monday evening at post headquarters, 584 Avenue E. Mrs. Agnes Sweeney, unit president, will conduct the session. Past presidents of the organization were present Monday at the annual past presidents' dinner and of the County American Legion Auxiliary.
During the event which place in the Fairmount Hotel, Jersey City, Mrs. Margaret Maak of Bayonne was elected presiding chairman of the county past presidents' parley for the 1951-52 term. Among the former presiding officers of the local unit present were Mrs. Maak, Mrs. Sophie Muzikowski, Mrs.
Norma Donnelly, Mrs. Mary Stillwell, Mrs. Lillian Peterson and Mrs. Lillian McKenna. Winners of major awards at spring card party sponsored by past presidents of the unit on Tuesday, April 24, also have been announced.
The medley was given at the postrooms with proceeds to be allocated to the Kershaw Memorial Window Fund. The window will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Josephine Kershaw, first president of the auxiliary and a unit president for nine years. Listed among the winners were Mrs. Peterson, Jane Monteith, Mrs.
Teresa Frost, Mrs. Gerald Moran, Mrs. Edna Kinsley, Mrs. Mary Higgins, Margaret Tenety and Mrs. Kathryn Furze.
Mrs. Mak was general chairman with Mrs. Ethel Hunter as cochairman and the following assistants: Mrs. McKenna, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs.
Mary Ruby, Sweeney, Mrs. Margaret Hackler, Mrs. Sadie Davis, Mrs. Mary Stillwell, Mrs. Kathleen Mahon, Mrs Muzikowski and Mrs.
Donnelly. Unit members attended the annual dance for hospitalized veterans at Lyons Veterans' Administration Hospital on Thursday evening, April 26. Among those present were Mrs. Sweeney, Mrs. Mary Gavitt, Mrs.
Maak, Mrs. Furze, Mrs. Ruby, Mrs. Barlow, Mrs. Muzikowski and Miss Florence Holton.
Daniel Sweeney, a member of Mackenzie Post, accompanied the Tag Day Chairmen Plan Fund Drive for Hospital Dinner Held Mrs. Joseph Murray was hostess her home, 765 Avenue to a meeting of chairmen who will head the Hospital Guild's annual tag day drive. Funds collected during tag days, May 9 12, will aid the children's ward and nursery at Bayonne Hospital. Serving chairmen of the Hospital Guild drive are Murray, Mrs. Eli Rubenstein, Mrs.
Percy Gaddis, Miss Nora McCole and the president of the Guild, Mrs. John Schilling. Social Notebook Mrs. Mary Trojan will serve chairman and Mrs. Estelle Drobinski as co chairman of the annual communion breakfast to 1 be held tomorrow morning by the Parents and Teachers Association of Our Lady of Mount Carmel parochial school.
Breakfast will be served following the 10:45 mass at Mount Carmel Church. In observance of the first birthday anniversary of their son, Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Sal Tassone, 39 West 24th Street, played host at an informal family party on Monday evening, April 30.
A frosted birthday cake keynoted the party decorations and among the members of the immediate family present was Mrs Theresa Tassone, the paternal grandmother. Open installations of officers of the Joyce Herbert Post 226 and its Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign the post rooms, 16 West Wars, will take place sonisheea: Mrs. Mary Kenny will serve as chairman for the women's group, assisted Mrs. Gertrude Petrey, co chairman, and Jerome O'Connor is chairman for the post. Refreshments will be served at the close of the investiture.
The sodality of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church will sponsor a Maytime Social Sunday evening at 8 o'clock in the Mount Carmel auditorium. During the afternoon, members will participate the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin. Mrs. Ann Hudak was hostess at the recent meetng of the Jolly Knitting Club. Among the guests to whom she served refreshments were Mrs.
Ruthann Brooks, Mrs. Dolores Hutchins, Mrs. Juley beck, Mrs. Irene Pepe, Mrs. Corine Stewart, Mrs.
Mary Smiga and Josephine Smiga. The next meeting will take place at the home of Mrs. Ann Rifino. Edmund Poplawski, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Poplawski, 176 West 24th Street, has been pledged by the Alpha Tau Alpha Fraternity at University of Miami, Coral Gables, where he is a senior. Poplawski formerly attended Bayonne High School, graduating in 1948. the university he is member of the Ski Club, the Mana agement Club and the Newman Club. MR. AND MRS.
ABRAM LANGENBACH Fraser Langenbachs Celebrate Golden Wedding Jubilee Mr. and Mrs. Abram Langenbach, 121 West 6th Street, who were married in Hengelo, Holland, 50 years ago, marked their golden wedding jubilee recently at a party in the Kill Von Kull Yacht Club Highlight of the celebration was a marriage service at which the couple again exchanged nuptial VOWS: The Rev. Earl Pettingill of Jersey City officiated. Among the 300 guests from New York, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey were the Langenbachs' six children, Mrs.
William Fahrion, Mrs. Anthony Di Orio and Christian, Cornelius. Bernard and William Langenbach. Eleven grand children and two great-grandchildren were also present. Decorations were in gold and blue and vases of golden tea roses decked the tables.
A buffet supper' was served. DIDO'S DINING ROOM, PARTY AND BANQUET ROOM Restaurant Entrance 51et Pod. 4. Reservations fer fall BA. 3-7731 or 9522 Variety Show to Highlight B'nai B'rith Supper Dance Committee leaders announced after a final planning meeting Wednesday evening that a one variety entertainment show will highlight the second annual smorgasbord supper and dance tomorrow evening of Bayonne Chapter, B'nai Brith Women.
Television and radio personalities, including some prominent local talent, will be featured in the show and since several of the performers must go on te later engagements, the program will start at 9:30 p. m. MRS. JOHN A. MALEK Mary B.
Cox Married To Cpl. John A. Malek Miss Mary B. Cox, daughter West 52nd Street, became the bride son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Malek, preceding a nuptial mass in St. Joseph F. Nealon celebrated the Miss Cox was presented at the altar Carries Missal Wearing a white satin gown whose fitted bodice was appliqued with lace flowers, the bride carried an orchid and stephanotis arranged on a mother of pearl missal. Her gown, made with a scalloped neckline and a full skirt, swept into a long train. A crown of orange blossoms set with seed pearls held the fingertip veil of bridal illusion.
Miss Dorothy Cox was maid of honor for her sister and another sister. Margaret Cox, preceded the bridal party as flower girl. Both attendants were clad in Nile green marquisette over taffeta. Their gowns were styled with Peter Pan collars and wide sashes and were worn with matching mitts and floral wreaths. The maid of honor carried a bouquet of yellow roses and the flower girl carried basket of the same flowers.
Lawrence Malek was best man and the ushers were Albert Jac. card of Staten Island and James Cox Jersey City. White gladioli were massed on the altar for the wedding cere. mony. Among the guests present were residents of Elizabeth.
Scotch Plains, Jersey City. Hasbrouck Elks' Ladies List Medley, Membership Campaign The May business meeting of the Elks' Ladies' Guild will be held Monday evening at the Elks Club house on West 34th Street with Mrs. Frank Carpenter, presi dent, presiding. Principal topics the session will be discussion of final plans for the forthcoming spring card party and plans for membership campaign The medley which the group will sponsor on Monday evening. May 14, will take place in the clubhouse with Mrs.
William Gray as general chairman assisted by Mrs. Dominick Gaetano, co chair man, Mrs. Robert Silon, Mrs. Peter Pape and Mrs. Howard Lampkin, sub committee chairmen.
Featured at the event will be special awards, door and table prizes and refresh ments. After Monday's meeting refreshments will be served by the follow ing hostesses: Mra. Gaetano, Mrs. James Scudder, Mrs. Sal DiPletro and Mrs.
William Migliaccio. The births of five children to Bayonne residents have been re corded at Margaret Hague Hospital. Jersey City. These include: A son, Robert Kenneth, to Mr and Mrs. Charles E.
Bailey, 62 West 22nd Street, on April 21. A son. John, to Mr and Mrs. Caruso, 769 Avenue on April 24 A son, Howard William, to Mr. and Mrs.
Irving Friedman, 65 West 51st Street, on April 22. A son, William. to Mr and Mrs Jack Granowitz. 33 Garretson Ave nue, on April 28 A daughter. Jan Sari to Mr and Mrs.
Louts Herscovitz. 506 Avenue A. on April 21. Recent Births Announced By Bayonne Residents COM and Mrs. Edward 0 Schultz of San Diego, Calif an nounce the birth of a daughter, Patricia Lee, April 17 at the L' Naval Hospital in San Diego.
Mrs Schultz is a former resident of Bayonne BROADWAY DEPT. STORE Men's, Ladies' and Children's Wear 401 BA. 3-5597 White Suits and whit. Dresses for Church Affairs 'and First Holy Communion, www. BWC Delegates to Attend Atlantic City Convention Representatives of the Bayonne Woman's Club and its Evening Department will be among the delegates to gather in convention from Tuesday, May 8.
through Friday. May 11, in Atlantic City. Haddon Hall will be convention headquarters for the annual spring meeting of the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs and its Evening Membership Departments with which the local organizations are affiliated. Mrs. Frank Bruns and Mrs.
Frank B. Cunningham have been selected as delegates from the delegates from the Woman's Club with Mrs. Thomas Sweeney and Mrs Joseph E. Long as alternates. Mrs.
Frank J. O'Donnell is president of the group. Evening department delegates will include Mrs. Joseph Fiscella, who will retire this month as department chairman, Mrs. Thomas (Grasso, newly elected chairman, Miss Frances Grasso and Mrs.
Joseph Esposito FOOD SALE PLANNED Final plans for a twoday cake and food sale will be drafted Tuesday evening at a regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to Beth Abraham Hebrew School. Mrs. Isadore Saltzman, president, will conduct the session in the school. 17 West 23rd Street. The sale, an annual spring event, will be in progress all day Wednesday and Thursday of this week in the Saltaman home, 700 Avenue A.
Mr and Mrs. Walter Engel. 24 West 4th Street, announce the birth of their second child, a son, Kenneth, at Swiney's Sanatorium. The couple also has a daughter, Janet. Mrs.
Engel is the former Virginia Sheridan. Reservations Open In making the announcement Mrs. Charlotte Galinsky, ticket chairman, requested that all those holding reservations plan to an rive early so that their dinner may be served preceding the show. Mrs. Galinsky stated also that limited number of reservations available and ticket sales will be made at the door tomorrow evening.
The committee meeting touk place at the home of Mrs. Sadie Sugarman. Lincoln Parkway, general chairman for the dance which will take place in Sklar's Hall. West 25th Street. Mrs.
Surgarman and Mrs. Pauline Pen chansky. co chairman, have di rected the committee in planning dance programs for the entire eve ning. the entertainment features smorgasbord refreshments, in cluding a variety of appetizers and entress. Mrs.
Bette Shapiro is in charge of stage arrangements and other assistants include Mrs. Kate Platt, Mrs. Beatrice Levy, Mrs. Ann Birnbaum. Mrs.
Sadie ('hodash. Mrs. Eva Davis, Mrs Bertha Eckhaus, Mrs. Rose Flickstein. Mrs.
Betty Gott. Mrs. Mary Gains, Mrs Freida Horowitz, Mrs. Lena Kohn. Mrs.
Ruth Kresch, Miss Bertha Levin, Mrs. Lillian Numark. Mrs. Esther Penchansky. Mrs.
Schlewer Fanny and Ravitch, Mrs. Edna Stern. At the conclusion of Wednesday's meeting Mrx Sugarman served refreshments Mrs. Platt is president of the chapter and Mrs. Schleider is president elect.
of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cox, 138 of Cpl. John A. Malek.
USMC, 149 West 9th Street, at ceremonies Vincent de Paul's Church. The Rev. mass at 10 o'clock this morning and by her father. Heights. Passaic, New Milford, Lodi, Staten Island and New York City.
A reception was held at the Robbins Reef Yacht Club. The bride, a graduate of Holy Family Academy, is employed in the Manhattan office of the F. W. Woolworth Company. Corporal Malek, an alumnus of Daniel P.
Sweeney High School, is stationed at St. Alban's Hospital, Long Island. On their return from a wedding to Miami Beach. the couple will take up residence at the West 52nd Street address. VOTE 2A for FRANK KINAHAN INDEPENDENT DEMOCRAT him to be honest.
capable and worth: of 1 tvoldence Paid for by Dr. M. SWINEY SPECIAL OFFERING for Wed. BETTER SUITS I at Surprise Prices! REDUCTION ON ALL SUITS! Marian Group to Induct New Members Monday The Marian Group of St. Vincent de Paul's parish has scheduled formal induction ceremonies for those who joined the group during the current club season beginning at 7:45 p.m.
Monday in the church. Prospective members, mothers of Marian Group members and members of the Rosary Society have been invited to attend the services and the installation of a new slate of officers which will follow in the school hall on West 47th: Street. Mrs. Meta Bally will be guest speaker for the evening discussing flower arrangements for the home and refreshments will be served after the program. Mrs.
Carl J. Pepe is president of the group which the Rev. Edward F. Wojtycha serves as moderator. BIRTH ANNOUNCED Mr.
and Mrs. Carmine Thomas Maita, 271 Avenue C. are the parents of daughter. their first child. born May 1 at Swiney Sanatorium.
They plan to name child Mary Lou. Mrs Marta 19 the former Lia lannone. Here's real bounty pure wool suits with all the careful tailoring and high fashion details that you want in that im. portant suit. The jackets are beautifully fitted with rounded hips and pocket inter.
The colors-Spring's own Navy, grey, and black, of course! Hurry down or you'll miss out. charge for custom alterations The Lexington 536 BROADWAY BAYONNE, N. J..